lung collapse x ray findings

Lack of career growth can be very crippling for ones professional progress in life. On the one hand, I agree that money is necessary in order for people to meet their basic needs. Other components of career growth that impact a persons future career path include promotions, new skills, and increasing job responsibilities. Many people choose their jobs based on the size of the salary offered. In another instance, if a job pays an astronomical salary, but the working condition and environment are pathetic, then it isnt very smart of the individual to take such jobs. All rights reserved. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. Posted by: When we search a job we use to think even what kind of lifestyle we would have after: could we pay the rent of our house, the bills, the food and other needs? 272 words; kindly provide review on the essay. Similarly, in the following post. The essay above is a bit special because of the word "most" in the question. An employee might encounter couples of difficulties and negative outcomes if he or she only takes consideration of salary when selecting a job. 'K@2#@|c.mhUXNP-plliYy- Therefore, they certainly look for a job with higher salary that is worth their effort and capabilities. Using a relative pronoun is not the secret to getting above band 6. I hope you read more of my lessons and decide to trust me. In the above post you have advised to make it clear in the introduction that, onside or both side of the topic would be described. Simon | Work-life balance, quality of work, working hours, perks and benefits, work environment, and vacation are some significant factors. As a result, job satisfaction should be taken into account when choosing a job. I agree that money is necessary in order for people to meet their basic needs. hope you have a lovely day That person might even quit the company if he feels undervalued and overworked. Thirdly, individuals aspiration and interests do matter. It is sometimes argued that wages are the top priority for the process of getting an ideal job. Example Schools were located in the same campus to facilitate the sharing of resources. May 05, 2014 at 07:47. for the opinion question, can I start with this kind of introduction? Do you have any advice on a certain flow of thoughts I should adopt when I am trying to write the paragraphs? criticism | betty | I have written a resume about a five years ago so I dont know the modern trends. For example, some people want to advance in their careers, so they choose jobs that provide prospects for advancement, even if they are only paid a few dollars. In conclusion, there are couples of factors including salary which are very critical to think about carefully to make a best job choice, and I do argue that we should not take salary as the first priority factor. For Simon: Comments on Harry's essay, would you mind to read & tell me whether I'm right or not? However, it's not something that would worry the examiner, because there are ways to understand the point that do make it relevant (maybe I'm moving to another job within the same company, or one in which a friend works, or one that I've visited, or a company that impressed me at the interview stage). Meaning: A fact or a motive taken into account in deciding something Additionally, besides urgent needs people are in pursuit of having better life with some luxury needs like bigger and smarter house, car, travelling and certainly, with rich of entertainment. As a result, most people place a high value on job fulfillment overpay. May 06, 2014 at 07:12, here's my first essay for Task 2. May 03, 2014 at 16:45. Posted by: April 30, 2014 at 14:04, Posted by: Simon | Simon, I have the same concern as hers. Paragraph 3 Acknowledge the necessity of a good salary by stating instances of how it helps the individual, but reiterate that salary isnt the most important factor, that there are other important factors to the decision as well. Secondly, in most cases, high salary correlates to higher designation in companys hierarchy which has better future prospects and professional growth opportunities. On the motivating environment, people think they can do personal achievements and contribute positively to societies and people. A company rewards its employees in ways other than money, like a good workplace environment and employee benefits. Hence, salary may be a significant component of a job, but it is not an all-important consideration when choosing a job. Soham | These factors surely affect people decision on choosing their job. I believe that a job must develop your experience in that particular field, so for this reason I dont think the salary is the main consideration during an interview. I am not completely agree with the sentence, because in my experience I used to consider other aspects, for example if the job is located in the other side of the city, or if it is near home and, nevertheless, if its suitable with my studies and past experiences. Dear all, Peter | Furthermore, when it comes to choosing a job, people place a great value on career advancement. Posted by: Aria | Henson | Second factor is work environment. Oliver | AHMET FAZIL | Besides, my IELTs coaching tutor advised me to give my supporting argument first (in the 2nd paragraph) but all of your essay found reverse order. May 01, 2014 at 18:06. Personally, I feel salary is an important factor, but not the most important one. October 05, 2016 at 16:54. Harry | To what extent do u agree or disagree? shirley | sir, please provide me with your valuable opinion regarding this issue.". Dear Simon, ;36`mF1l=My ,#G_XVg/7f'iY55X /8BaFk4 Q bm|qe`hi"B\2 $Qu`.A[>P!yUP A | "Some people believe that being straight forward and to the point is more helpful and a positive approach to avoid any problems or confusions ,while others think that we should try to find alternate ways to make our point. Could you please explain it for me? I am Confused!!!! Additionally, for questions that write 'to what extent' and ' do you agree or disagree? Nevertheless, for some people an array of factors take precedence over salary while choosing a job such as friendly environment and mutual respect among colleagues. A job, not matter how highly paying it is, if requires someone to do overtime and spend weekends inundated with work, then it has a high probability of having an adverse impact on his family life and physical well-being. Aria | In conclusion, I consider the salary important when I search a job, but I do think that personal past experiences, past studies and the location are more important in this case." Furthermore, such jobs offer the possibility of meeting certain people of high society and dealing with different and relevant matters that require solutions. There are several advantages of getting more salary in any job or field. i think the question about"the best or the most important" is vitally difficult and confusing. I have read a couple of articles and seems to be extremely difficult. Having a good manager or friendly colleagues, for example, can make a huge difference to workers levels of happiness and general quality of life. behroz ali | Dear Simon, How long it would take for you, as a native speaker to write an essay like this. For instance, in many case, they even cheat on their close friends and families in order to maximizing business profits, or involve with criminal activities causing threats against the whole society. Syaza | I would like to enquire about the format for academic writing task 1. on the one hand, money plays an important role in our life. You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post. Thank you for your help, Simon. A lot of people search for a job from which they receive a good amount of money to be able to meet their basic needs. I know lots of people that think about only these aspects, that of course are important, but I also think that they dont help to choose the right job for you. Simon | Harry | Yet, as far as I am concerned, a conclusion sentence that summrises the paragraph is essential. Thanks for the easy but this make me more confused regarding agree/disagree type question. A Big Thanks for sharing another lovely essay, a comprehensive and well- thought out piece of writing on the topic! What's your opinion on the matter? Could we enjoy the city, the nightlife and our friends? May 03, 2015 at 18:17. There are many different attributes of a job that motivate a person to choose one. Job satisfaction has been scientifically proven to boost peoples happiness and well-being. While i agree with the idea that money is the key consideration when deciding on a career, i also believe that other factors are equally important. Many people choose their jobs based on the size of the salary offered. Is it correct to put a comma before 'and'? Serg | I try to put it like this below: Firstly, the opportunities of individual growth determine whether an employee can have a successful career or not. May 18, 2014 at 01:13. In addition, if you have enough money, you can go out for travel which will broad your horizon and enhance your knowledge. Posted by: Nevertheless, I believe that other considerations are just as important as what we earn in our jobs. Good day, passang | Posted by: These factors not only affect our life but also our working progress. g6hAq5H\I } `JV>,u#][XfgIbZd Xp/4UVG uz=5weAU!c=7t4HA ny1XB:X,/OFz)=.~(8: P,9x@bm* February 15, 2015 at 16:03. Do you think 40 minutes is enough? If all factors are equally important, none of them are the key consideration. Main Posted by: Example Starry Night is undoubtedly Van Goghs best work, Meaning: To give (someone) something, typically money, in recognition of the work performed, loss, injury A good salary also improves a persons self-esteem and social position. Posted by: can we just write:- Example His company gives him a posh salary, Meaning: Money paid for work or a service Aspects like job satisfaction, work life balance and ample opportunities of career growth also play a significant role in making a choice of ones job. Posted by: ,#!c_eG{a0pla8c6B>f?C/gc|\g?wei.%SRm+Kvey" [.gR>B5~LzP ik@'7pI1?Sq'k8YA./Q$v0@-0='zq+7b8J" 3=:P^9"! To sum up, I believe that remuneration shouldnt be the only factor. I have a question for you. Money is necessary to support our daily life, like house, food, traffic and education. W]mK>E"|$g@rp3UyWuSqI03Id{$D$g t5[lSJ?=7bHAks,%zVw Thanks in advance. I am new to this website.It's really useful for people like me who wants to get require band.I have started to read from the beginning.I need small clarification that I am writing GENERAL TRAINING not Academic.Is that ok to prepare the same essay questions from your website.I know only LISTENING and SPEAKING are same for both general and academic.I can take all your tips and essay plan but is there any difference in difficulty of Writing part 2(ESSAY) questions? :). Secondly, those who are trapped in the attraction of materials may be harm for themselves and society. Simon | November 27, 2014 at 05:45. April 30, 2014 at 14:47. Hi, Simon October 18, 2015 at 13:38. I agree that there are non-financial reasons that need to be taken into consideration when choosing job. the 2nd sentence grammatically is it correct?especially (if requires & overtime). April 30, 2014 at 10:52. Therefore, with all the points mentioned, it is fairly to say that salary should be primarily considered when choosing a job. my question is, do we have to fully agree or disagree with the topic? If people chose their jobs based on enjoyment or other non-financial factors, they might find it difficult to support themselves. For example, we all need money to pay for housing, food, bills, health care, and education. Can anyone please help to comment on my essay? i m trying hard still my instructor thinks my writing is very poor,,,, Posted by: People would not prefer to work at hazardous office premises. September 18, 2016 at 19:35. Finally, some people choose a career because they want to help others and contribute something positive to society. In the conclusion, he repeated the statement or what he agrees for, but I think it shouldn't be written like statement. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. June 10, 2015 at 10:51, I'm an ex-IELTS examiner, so I gave myself that score :). ILARIA | =x_P=gJR0z tI(;GKbl`}7r1heZsm1MU*NEmZh. >BjuAN5`X- J Simon I wanted to ask a question just out of personal interest, it's not about the essay . I'm very appreciated. Choose or does not that depends on each individual thought, but to me, I make sure that I am not in side with the moneys choose. I've addressed all of those issues, so I'm sure you'll find the answers. i highly recommend that salary should be considered carefully and, however, other factors cannot be excluded. Please, reply to my question. Please help me edit my essay or at least give me some comments. ', do I need to give the extent or do I just argue solely based on whether I agree or disagree; that's to say whether I agree or disagree to a small or large extent. August 19, 2015 at 10:19. But there is more to a job than salary. Paragraph 2 Explain how the workplace environment and employee benefits are important towards consideration of a job. Posted by: Salary and benefits are undoubtedly important. Posted by: Can I really trust them? This can affect our choice depending on how much is the salary. While, there are non-financial factors that are important in choosing ones job, I believe that the amount of the salary is the most important factor. Posted by: slloom | Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9. the feeling of satisfaction of a job does not come only from the salary, it comes from many aspects, for example, ambition, friendly environment, supportive leaders. Thanks once again. Hi Simon Example They work more than their contracted hours for no additional remuneration, Meaning: Make or become hard or solid the body paragraph1: work condition is more important,and give the first reason For example, one of my friends accepted a high salary job in a internet company, and he was delighted at the beginning. I would appreciate your help. a good salary not only provide all the needs but also a better quality of life by bringing us everything we dream of like better cars, bigger houses. The amount of the monthly wage plays a significant role in pursuing any career. You might be able to write your essay in a similar way if you see a word like "most" in the question. Working without ambition makes our life heavier and tasteless. Hi,Simon, In the above post you have advised to make it clear in the introduction that, onside or both side of the topic would be described. It is true that majority of people consider money factor as a priority when choosing a job while the remain has other considerations that outweigh importance of salary in the choice of profession. May 01, 2014 at 18:26, I'm new to this blog. May 30, 2014 at 06:34. However, I do not believe that salary is the most significant factor to consider when choosing a job because job satisfaction and career progression are equally important aspects to consider. Le Zhang | May 13, 2014 at 17:43. Individuals should consider other parameters like working conditions and hours, career growth, and satisfaction while choosing between jobs. Thus, essential facts such as working hours, working environment, and job happiness should be taken into account when selecting a decent job. I am Confused!!!! For example, soldiers at border choose the profession because of their love and passion towards motherland and similarly people working at NGO feel satisfaction by contribution towards society. I hope this makes sense. Could you please give me feedback on my essay? For instance, an employee would be thrilled to work in a setting where he is not working till he feels burned out, and the hierarchy actively takes inputs of the subordinates as to how daily functioning can be improved. Finally, some people choose a career because they want to help others and contribute something positive to society. Paragraph 1 Begin with how salary is an important factor, follow it up with other factors and emphasise on their importance. ziaul huda | Raj | Posted by: In summary, I do agree salary is one of the factors while choosing a job but not the only factor. It's a great website which contain awesome ideas & plans for the different sections of the ielts test. The only problem I see is this: if money is the key consideration, it means that other factors must be less important. Posted by: Here I think the word because I believe- allows us to write both sides of the arguement. From my point of view, there are other considerations which are equally important as salary. May 01, 2014 at 06:14. Some people believe that money is the most important aspect, while others think others are more important to workers. Because I use a liitle different way and thinking to write it. --Posted by Soham ; Approm. I am just a new guy here. The Best Way to Reduce the Number of Traffic Accidents- IELTS Writing Task 2, Many People are Afraid to Leave their Home because of Crime- IELTS Writing Task 2, In Some Countries, The Government Has Tried to Reduce Traffic- IELTS Writing Task 2, Some Movies are Serious, Designed to Make the Audience Think- IELTS Writing Task 2. the body paragraph2: work condition is more important,and give the second reason. For instance, an individual will dedicate greater efforts to his work if he feels fairly compensated. Im wondering if " in order for people" is common? In a realism society today, there is a major of young generation who has been considering money as a greatest target in their life, and other ones are less necessary. There are many aspects which will affect people to make the decision when choosing job position. IELTS Listening: another TED talk | Posted by: So, these compelling unlimited desires give them incentive choosing a career based on money earned that other non-financial factors which are equally important. One of them is that it provides better personal life styles where person can afford luxurious vacation, better education for children, expensive cars and branded clothes etc. On the contrary, salary also bears certain importance. Hi everyone To what extent do you agree or disagree? While I agree that salary in one vital factor of a job, there are others that are equally important. Lastly, I have great problems developing an argument. After couples of months work, he complained a lot about the over works at the weekend and heavy work pressures. Thus, a job that pays a little less but offers better working circumstances is a far better option. May 29, 2014 at 18:03, Posted by: Discuss both views and suggest some solutions. For example, a project manager in an organization will get more salary than his team members. Example The magma slowly solidifies and forms crystals, Meaning: Make (an action or process) easy or easier I think it would be better for him to add another explanation before ending the paragraph with the ramification that salary is not the major consideration. We all need money to cover all the basic needs, for instance, food, electricity, water, gas. Posted by: In other words, these people's first concern is to appreciate a job in an organization which suffers strict hierarchical model or mobbing. Most people consider it a priority to at least earn a salary that allows them to cover these needs and have a reasonable quality of life. Example The idea was motivated by political considerations, Meaning: Without a doubt September 22, 2019 at 02:17,, Thanks for sharing the essay..its really appreciable. Posted by: I would also like to ask if I am suppose to give a counter argument or an acknowledgment in my academic writing task 2. Question: Some people think that too much money has been spent looking after and repairing old buildings, so we should knock down old buildings and build modern ones instead. I m really confused about the task response and ideas on a topic. ;B,+cAP6&E(^}}/@c$c1aGJCw]51r`"-O 9P^>SqC[(:=^_rY"~GJdQry2h~W&QX=shJc%7" eq |hC1G 1++s_tO?z27Y5 Career development is also key point for some people, we do hope we can learn new skills and have bright future in one organization or else we will feel boring and losing passion working there. Posted by: I also would want to think about other aspects. Start with exposure and experience. I've found easier write this Task than the first one! I'd really appreciate some advice on this from an ex-examiner! I am about to take the IELTS test soon. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Posted by: For example, a person who earns less money will be happier than someone who earns a lot of money but is under a lot of stress and pressure at work. 1 8m1 It's especially crucial when choosing the first job. In this essay- it is diagreed, even then both sides are developed. sonal dhake | that is why salary is seen as the first choice when choosing a job. May 01, 2014 at 11:30, hi sir, Personally, I disagree with the idea that money is the key consideration when deciding on a career, because I believe that other factors are equally important. Because I cant decide it myself. Hi,Simon Although,you have supported one side in the introduction, explained both side in the body paragraphs of the above essay. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Hello In my opinion, I strongly disagree with this state, because a job with a dream income is always expected but it is not all of life. redaeg1 | Tu Oanh | Also, in the introduction I think we should start with general statement, then we shouldn't use articles a lot. If a person does not feel satisfied with his job then no amount of money is huge enough to drive an individual to work. We usually feel satisfied and comfortable if we are not living in the lack for finacial support. You can definitely use these lessons to prepare for either. ", Posted by: Several factors are considered for job selection like experience, benefits, learnings, workplace environment, and salary. "money is necessary in order for people to meet their basic needs."

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